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~ Brother Coyote Publications Books in Print ~

Alchemist's Guide; Series

Black & White Photo Chemistry ~ Salt Paper ~ Kallitype ~ Palladium ~ Gum Printing

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Alchemist's Guide; to
Printing with Gum
ISBN-13: 978-1-64786-718-8                         Book #5 of a series

   This book completes the Alchemist's Guide; series; the fifth book in the  series. This book follows the practical applications of the other books in the series, laying out both process and technique, as a step by step guide that is easy to follow. The gum process is unique among all the other photographic processes, being non -precious-metal based printing.. The gum process is also unique in that there are no real hard boundaries or limits to the printing process.

The gum process is one of the oldest of the photographic processes, having fallen out of style before the turn of the 20th century, before being reinvented during the classical period of photography, dragged into favor by the Secessionists after the turn of the 20th century. The reinvention focused on shifting the focus from photographically replicating what was seen, for commercial purposes, thereby competing with silver, platinum & palladium printing at the time, to being used for aesthetic purposes; Art.

Gum printing is the most malleable of the printing formats using a negative for printing. That is a tall statement; I stand by it. The gum process has few boundaries, allowing for exploration and personalization. The gum process allows the printer's gesture or hand of all the printing process. This book is all about technique, how to control the printing variables that control and shape the process, to arrive at a finished print desired by the printer. For best results, the printer becomes the process, shaping tehnique.

The price increase is due to the increased printing costs, relative to the full color printing of the interior of this book.

The author makes .78 cents

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The price increase is due to the increased printing costs, relative to the full color printing of the interior of this book.

The author makes .78 cents

Alchemist's Guide; to
Printing in Palladium
ISBN-13: 978-0-578-52274-6                         Book #4 of a series

   This fourth book in the “Alchemist's Guide;” series continues the series format of covering hand coated printing processes, this one on palladium printing. The palladium process is a developing out process, very much like the Kallitype process, using the same processing principles and even some of the same chemistry.

As all the hand coating processes, palladium printing relies on a negative the size of the desired image, as well as a printing frame for holding the negative and print paper during printing in a UV light source. The palladium process, much like the Kallitype process, allows for a great deal of personal expression when making the print, as there are numerous variables that allow for personal choi
ces during printing and developing. None of it is difficult.

The palladium book begins with the history and early years of palladium printing, using understandable explanations for how the process works and the various options available the printer. Each section of the book focuses on the areas of printing that need to be addressed, including; The Negative, Preparing the paper, The Palladium Process, The Na2 Process, and finally The Lab Section. An easy to follow, step  by step course to understanding the process, with a great deal of information on “technique”, those controls that shape the print image; the printer's “gesture”.


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Alchemist's Guide; to
The Kallitype Print

 ISBN-13: 978-0692151501                    Book #3 of a series

     This book is the third book in the "Alchemist's Guide;" Black & White photography series. This book continues with the practices and procedures of hand coated printing.  Understanding the black and white negative is the underlying principle for all the photographic printing mediums. Each photographic printing medium demands a negative scaled specifically for that medium for optimal results. Book #1 is about how to control the negative. Book #2 is about what to do with that negative on salted paper to make beautiful, long scaled  print  images. This book focuses on the developing out practice used for the Kallitype print.

     Making the Kallitype print uses the same procedure, as well as the same chemistry as making a platinum or palladium print, but using silver. As the first books, this book is a step by step guide through the entire procedure from the negative, paper types, chemistry, toning and other details to making a fine Kallitype image.

     The hallmark of a well made hand coated print is the textural detail and visual depth of the hand coated image. The revival of black and white photography continues to grow, with the historical hand coated processes the destination for so many. Salt paper printing is cheap, relatively easy to learn and needs little in the way of special spaces for print preparations.

Alchemist's Guide; to
Salted Paper Printing

ISBN-13: 978-0692057353                         Book #2 of a series

      This book is the second book in the "Alchemist's Guide;" Black & White photography series. The material of the first book sets up the framework for the books to come. Understanding the black and white negative is the underlying principle for all the photographic printing mediums. Each photographic printing medium demands a negative scaled specifically for that medium for optimal results. Book #1 is about how to control the negative. Book #2 is about what to do with that negative on salted paper to make beautiful, long scaled  print  images.

       Salted paper printing is the oldest, and first printing method to utilize a negative, for multiple printings, using silver. The salt print method is also one of the simplest printing mediums using silver, as well as the cheapest of the historical photographic hand coating processes. Printing with silver costs no more than making a print on commercial silver gelatin papers, or a digital print, contrary to popular belief. The hallmark of a well made hand coated print is the textural detail and visual depth of the hand coated image. The revival of black and white photography continues to grow, with the historical hand coated processes the destination for so many. Salt paper printing is cheap, relatively easy to learn and needs little in the way of special spaces for print preparations.


Alchemist's Guide; to Black & White Photo Chemistry

ISBN-13: 978-0692453476                           Book #1 of a series


     This book was written as a photographer's guide, a manual for practices and procedures for the craft of black and white photography. I've divided the book into five parts to separate the stages of the fuller process; shutter to print, to better focus on the importance of each stage.

     Black and white photography is a malleable process, allowing every photographer to use the principles, and wide array of options in b&w processing, to realize pre-visualized expressions of their photographs. This process begins before the shutter is released, and is concluded after the finished print is drying.

     This book includes a full explanation of the negative, the underlying process of development, procedures for controlling the negative, b&w photo chemistry principles and explanations of chemical elements, practical formulas for today's films and prints, and a final section with equivalents, weights & measures, as well as a full list of formulas & fixers for easy access in the lab. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

     Black and white photography can be a beautiful art form, as has been demonstrated by photographers for over a century. It was Ansel Adams who advanced the ideas of Pre-visualization and a Zone System as part of the prospectus of fully controlling the photographic process. Those two concepts underly the foundation of controlling the outcome of the negative, which then controls the outcome of final print. This, is what this book is about. Learning the processes and controls that lead to the fine print.

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